Notifications Of Land Record

Click here to download notificatons (English).

Click here to download notificatons (Urdu).

Click here to download notificatons Khari Khas Dhok.

Click here to download notificatons Gulpur.

Click here to download notificatons 21733 Transfer owner ship Ground Land to Refuge Colony Kotli.

Click here to download notificatons 22402 Transfer owner ship to Refuge Colony Kotli Notification 20072893-2905.

Click here to download notificatons 22819 Transfer owner ship Ground Land to Refuge Colony Sehnsa.

Click here to download notificatons 2900 Transfer owner ship Ground Land to Refugi Fatehpur Colony 1947-1965-1971.

Click here to download notificatons 7843 Transfer owner ship Ground Land to Refugi Charhoi Colony 1947-1965-1971.