Azad Jammu and Kashmir has centuries-old system of dealing with the Land and revenue records in which large portion of the forces identified with land and revenue are gathered in the hands of a least level authority of the revenue divisions known as Patwari’s. Patwari has the sole obligation regarding surveying, gathering agribusiness income, recording legacy, taking care of offer and exchange of land and keeping up all records of its territory of purview. In order to modernize the current system, AJ &k government has launched a project which will help owners to get their land record details and also will break the obsolete system which is non-transparent and unreliable.
In the beginning LRMIS Project, will concentrate on the Land records arrangement of the BOR by putting set up a solid, effective, and straightforward system for keeping up those records and giving access to those records to the populace. Additionally amid the first stage, linkages will be tried and demonstrated between the system and the arrangement of enlistment of deeds, and steering of digitization of spatial records will be completed. Accordingly, the first stage will present some key beginning changes in the administrative and institutional system, and set the stage for more considerable changes in the following stage.
Two key elements of the Government's system in the first stage are:
1. Doing so as to learn.
2. Guaranteeing accessibility of facilities at the Tehsil/Sub-Tehsil level.
Project of the computerization of land records is of great importance and that after its completion, not only would the people of independent state be facilitated in obtaining revenue records, but they would also get rid of the Patwari culture and corruption. Fraud and forgery with regard to registration of properties would be eliminated through the computerization of revenue records and that the people would be facilitated in obtaining the record of ownership of their land.